Client Jared Herny

History · Free Web Builder · Lead Developer

Bill Clinton: Presidency and White Water Scandal

A website to educate students about Bill Clinton's Presidency and White Water scandal.

As part of a project, the website contains information over Bill Clinton's Presidency and White Water scandal, while flowing information clearly, and allowing users to follow a sequential order of informational pages.

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Built with Weebly™

In 2019, in History, we had a number of topics to choose from. From that list, I had chosen Bill Clinton, his Presidency and White Water scandal. We were able to make our project out of anything. Cardboard, paper, create a presentation, infographic, video, podcast, or website. Of course, wanting to build websites, I chose to create a website.

Previously, I had not been too familiar with HTML and CSS, however I had used Wix before. Due to local policies, Wix had been blocked on our computers. The other reliable option was Weebly. Weebly made it easy to choose a template and get started on building a project. It served us with animations, and a whole-page navigration screen.

However, even with its great dashboard and overall great website making tools, it's never like creating your website from scratch and having full customization with it.

Bill Clinton: Presidency and White Water Scandal
History · Free Web Builder · Lead Developer